In line with its vision, FERGANI. maintains the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of information at the highest level in all projects undertaken to achieve national technology accumulation.

The Information Security Management System aims to ensure the security of information generated in all main processes, production, and R&D activities, as well as to continuously improve and review it.

To ensure information security, FERGANI. commits to:

• Protect information against unauthorized access,

• Ensure the integrity of information,

• Protect information assets by conducting checks on their storage, transmission, modification, access, and processing activities within the process based on the principle of segregation of duties,

• Continuously monitor and meet legal and regulatory requirements and the provisions of contracts made with third parties (business partners, customers, suppliers),

• Investigate and report all actual and suspected information security breaches,

• Comply with the Digital Transformation Office Information and Communication Security Guide,

• Make the approach of continuous improvement a part of corporate culture,

• Communicate the Information Security Policy to all employees and provide the necessary resources and training for its implementation.